Month: January 2015

Vibrant Soul Expression

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Vibrant Soul Expression:

I am sensitive to the energetics that surround me. My soul expresses and has an affinity with cleanliness on every multi-dimensional level.

In this present moment the energies that are flowing through me express an exhilaration and heightened nature of sparkliness. I can feel all the molecules dancing and singing in expansion from their own “solo integrity”.

As co-creator of my own reality and thus a ripple of consciousness into the collective reality I intend that all that surrounds me is in this particular synchronicity. I choose a resonance of responsible participation from each and every entity within my physical parameters of space. Of course, space be-ing infinite.

I invite the affinities that contribute a certain pristineness to all things, all relations, that be-ing every iota of particulate matter. I translate this as the responsibility of each human entity. This is an acknowledgement and a contribution to the “sacred”.

I would hope as this consciousness is embraced the humon would be prompted to evaluate how one could then enthuse the immediate physical environment. I know this has to be an individual action that can only emerge from the within. I invite the many “individuated consciousness” of humon to hear this call, feel this need and recognize the value for all people, for planet blue.

I wish for each individuated consciousness and thus physical entity to ask from within “how may I serve in this way?”

This cleanliness of action and call for mirroring of what is within to without is my shout out to the collective consciousness. Observe one’s environment and how one functions in it and know it is a metaphor of one’s self image and self growth on a global and universal existence.

This energetic is not harvestable from whence it comes. However, the resources that are an outgrowth, a physicalization of this energetic is harvested all around us.  This is the significant crux of the enslavement model, illusion. Yet, now in the recognition of our true and regained, remembered sovereignty we are addressing the “internalized harvester” within ourselves.

Begin with the depleted resources of Mother Earth and then witness how we each harvest from one another and our Mother…still…and usually quite unconsciously.

This harvesting that has been very instilled within each of us is a very challenging confrontation. In adapting to a new paradigm of self responsibility there are no outside guidelines or rules and regulations. Thus, we are resistant, and rightfully so, to anyone telling us how to behave. Yet, our behaviors aren’t all in sync with shared values and heart virtues. But no one is going to turn towards any dogmatic or religious direction. We can barely accept that a genuine government operating from truth and integrity can even exist.

We are now in the emergence of a new paradigm and the individual is now responsible and liable for their actions, words and thoughts. So how do each of us confront the internalized corruption and lack of heart virtues or shared values when now knowing this is a group r-evolution. This is an entry into shared consciousness and co-creation of a new reality.

As I have pondered this my thoughts went to the upbringing of children. If you notice parents, guardians do not hesitate to tell a child what their outer responsibilities are such as; taking out trash, putting their things away, washing a dish, etc. In optimal conscious parenting the hope is that at some point the child is instilled with their own sense of responsibility. As a result they do their chores now with a sense of integrity and connectedness to participating and supporting the whole or the family. It is no longer someone telling or asking them what to do. They get it and begin to participate from their own self governing and integrity.

Upon reflection of this I noted that as adults we no longer offer guidelines to each other, in fact, we tend to resent them more than appreciate the suggestion. However, we are amongst many adults who didn’t have an upbringing that cultivated genuine responsibility and integrity. Well, heck, that could be said of the entire planet for most part. But my point is that none of us have been educated in how the internal sense of self with values of responsibility and virtues of the heart looks like. Yet we still look to the externalized behaviors to determine if someone is in fact be-ing responsible or operating from virtues of the heart. This is how we got pretensious behavior to begin with. An organization such as a religious one dictated what those behaviors looked like and if you didn’t conform to that external image you were a mis-fit. Well, hallelujah, because mis-fits are uniting now and staying mis-fits because it is part of our diversity and freedom.

But to get back to the point…we need to release those pretentious ideas of what “good” behavior appears to be and allow the internal truths to behaviorally emerge. Rather than identify lists and guidelines for what our behaviors “should” look like a healthier approach may be to simply suggest questions one can ask of themselves. And then each individual do the soul searching.

Questions I would suggest might be the likes of these: 1. How are you be-ing responsible for the collective environment that you live in and share with others? 2. Are you “harvesting” from where you are? Do you return something to the space that you harvested from? Sometimes a mere smile to the space, yes, space creates molecules to sparkle. Imagine that all the space around you is sparkling. That makes a difference. It may be on the subtle and invisible realms but we now know we co-exist on the subtle and invisible realms. Every impeccable word, action and deed makes a difference. You are the only one to determine if and how you are making this difference. Do you smile upon life or do you frown upon it? Do you recognize that your frown and smile build realities? Well, they do. What reality are you building? This is self response-ability and it invites practice. There is no “out there” that is going to change our world. It’s each individual recognizing their part and accepting how powerful we really are. Let’s intention this power responsibly.

Every iota of a moment is precious…give it your best heart-thought and know that the energetic molecule swims and dances through the ethers and supports a growing shared vision of upliftment, response-ability and freedom. We feel each other, we feel everything. Therefore I invite each one of us to enthuse from our hearts what we want to feel. Why? Because it comes right back to you – Law of Attraction!



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Two Books are now ready for purchase.

“Diary of A Blue Be-ing”  Part One, A multi-dimensional, rhythmic, poetic, cosmic collection of excerpts portraying an intimate exploration of self unraveling as a Divine Spiritual Be-ing within a Divine Earthly Suit.  – Available for purchase here:

“Shamanic Improvisation” A body of work developed over the past 35 years sharing guidance and prompts in “The Art of Be-ing In The Moment” and “Going Between The Worlds”.

Shamanic Improvisation is sensing and feeling, moving and sounding with each and every subtle energy. Through the quieting of within we learn to hear and feel the impulses of our inner dance.

I gently guide you and create a safe environment for you to uncover your Shamanic Dancer-Sounder-Spoken Word Self.

As the journey unfolds you learn about the alchemist within, the be-ing inside of you who transforms and makes necessary changes.

This alchemical magic occurs while dancing “Between the Worlds.

Available Purchase Here:

Meditation to Matrix

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One Network Edit

Meditation to Matrix

Balance is a necessary act when experiencing our deeper, divine and heartfelt self and clearly co-existing in the Matrix, the illusory reality.

At this present time in his-tory the illusory reality is be-ing challenged, rightfully so, and re-informed with an existence of peace, love and tone of equality.

It is not the illusory reality or holographic lifestyle we are releasing. It is the content of projection that has been infused as interference which is the area of desired and focused change. Therefore, in this writing expression I desire to share that an illusory, holographic reality in and of itself is a “keeper” while simultaneously rooted in our divine be-ingness, I Am. Through our divine rootedness we choose to enthuse a more upbeat and thriving holographic reality.

For an extensive amount of linear time a spiritual seeker was inclined to follow a disciplined path of inner practice in hopes of leaving the Matrix reality that was filled with pain and suffering. Deliberate religious manipulations endorsed that the spiritual seeker put their faith and trust in something else, usually “out there” to escape from what did not feel good, or at least provide a practiced mind manipulation that in-couraged denial of “what is”.

Well the times have changed radically and thankfully so. The maligned intention of the “powers that were” was to divorce each one of us from our very essence as divine spiritual be-ings. However, the inner focus of ourselves as divine spiritual beings is, in fact, on the upsurge.

What I have noticed during my meditations is that much is “Falling Away“. You can click that link title to view an earlier writing about that subject. Information I Am receiving is that as we observe the existing matrix via our collective consensus reality we are also experiencing an observer position that uses viewpoints and perspectives within and from a collective consensus reality. In a tricky kind of way this keeps us engaged in the Matrix. So I started to explore what the options might be if I stepped out of this box, so-to-speak.

Essentially what happened is that I clarified the presence of “I Am” that which peacefully sits in one’s own knowing and eternal existence. While, simultaneously, I identified the earthly urge of imagination-thought impulsing and desiring entry into earthly form, hence co-creation. With this visual sensation I observed closely as spirit entered my earth suit. Well, lo and behold, I was now entering this “ordinary reality”, 3D and albeit, density.

The other night, as a caller on collective Imagination, I shared a sweet meditation experience that gave light to this bridge from meditation to matrix. I was observing the deeper moments of “I Am”  and then the first impulses of thought to re-enter the matrix unveiled, as in, ready to open my computer, write, get up, etc. Before my body suit exerted to fulfill the impulse I asked Sophia Gaia for clarity on this very subtle bridge way. This is the jist of her response.

Sophia Gaia reminded me of conception. She said our thoughts are similar to the first moments of conception and then there we are in our suits. Herself, like any Mother, has the intuitive ability of feeling and knowing the essence of her child even prior to birth. Then it continues. Sophia Gaia said I conceived of you and like any Mother I know my child’s thoughts and feelings even before they occur. I tend to your needs before you even have to express them. Well the same applies now in your adult skin suits. Before you even fulfill the inner impulse of thought to skin suit I already know and have provided for your need. This is why you can have the experience you spoke of above. you can dreamily, consciously reside in your “I Am” without having a thought and then effecting your desired goal. This is not to say that you no longer enact impulses within your be-ing. This is to say that trust in the Mother and that the Universe works in this way. I Am always here providing for you. I know you as my child and your dreams and wishes are heard before you even conceptualize them. I fulfill you. So be content with your essence and sensation as a living be-ing. Enjoy the beauty and love. Enthuse a deep frequency of trust that your dreams and visions are my dreams and visions and all is be-ing fulfilled.

Meditation to Matrix unfolded the sweet reminder that Mother is the bridge from “I Am” to Matrix existence. There would be no matrix if there was no Mother. Our Observer-Creator is our child’s play of exploration and co-creation. We are always invited by our Mother to rest in her, turn to her when we need that nurturance and guidance and support to be the potent children that “we are”. As we respect our Mother, all things are respected. We can rest in her, rest in ourselves and know our path is thrive-full. It is our divine be-earth rite. This is a truth of Sovereignty and “I Am” as we walk gratefully upon “The Land”.

So Much Love

Blue Star Deerwomon

A Reminder:If you check “Following” at this WordPress Site you’ll be notified by email each time I post. Thankyou!

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Two Books are now ready for purchase.

“Diary of A Blue Be-ing”  Part One, A multi-dimensional, rhythmic, poetic, cosmic collection of excerpts portraying an intimate exploration of self unraveling as a Divine Spiritual Be-ing within a Divine Earthly Suit.  – Available for purchase here:

“Shamanic Improvisation” A body of work developed over the past 35 years sharing guidance and prompts in “The Art of Be-ing In The Moment” and “Going Between The Worlds”.

Shamanic Improvisation is sensing and feeling, moving and sounding with each and every subtle energy. Through the quieting of within we learn to hear and feel the impulses of our inner dance.

I gently guide you and create a safe environment for you to uncover your Shamanic Dancer-Sounder-Spoken Word Self.

As the journey unfolds you learn about the alchemist within, the be-ing inside of you who transforms and makes necessary changes.

This alchemical magic occurs while dancing “Between the Worlds.

Available Purchase Here:


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I awakened at 3am this morning and knew I needed to get up and meditate. I felt a surge of energy wanting me to focus and pay attention. So I did.

In the course of my sit I was visited by benevolent extraterrestrials that were examining my brain. They readily started to remove what seemed to be matrix programming. All along we were telepathically conversing about the procedures. They reassured me that their presence was in answer to me wanting assistance in letting go of what I was experiencing as loops and patterns that I felt were deliberately placed within me to manipulate my behavior. My visitors readily acknowledged that, indeed, there were placements of energetic origin that were “not of love”. As they felt their way around my body responded as if I was receiving a chiropractic adjustment. My neck, head and spine would respond in motion, little jerks as the new alignment was created.

I inquired later on as to their availability in this realm, how were they able to be here. They confirmed that significant astral obstruction was successfully removed allowing them to enter into closer proximity with us. They also acknowledged that these technologies of healing are once again available to us. We need only ask and then allow the procedures to begin.

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Two Books are now ready for purchase.

“Diary of A Blue Be-ing”  Part One, A multi-dimensional, rhythmic, poetic, cosmic collection of excerpts portraying an intimate exploration of self unraveling as a Divine Spiritual Be-ing within a Divine Earthly Suit.  – Available for purchase here:

“Shamanic Improvisation” A body of work developed over the past 35 years sharing guidance and prompts in “The Art of Be-ing In The Moment” and “Going Between The Worlds”.

Shamanic Improvisation is sensing and feeling, moving and sounding with each and every subtle energy. Through the quieting of within we learn to hear and feel the impulses of our inner dance.

I gently guide you and create a safe environment for you to uncover your Shamanic Dancer-Sounder-Spoken Word Self.

As the journey unfolds you learn about the alchemist within, the be-ing inside of you who transforms and makes necessary changes.

This alchemical magic occurs while dancing “Between the Worlds.

Available Purchase Here:

Empowering from The Bottom Up

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Empowering from The Bottom Up

I recently returned to Eureka Springs, Arkansas to regroup, see some loved ones and sense the “barometer of consciousness” within the community I spent a long time living in. I have spoken about this community often when spending time with the group in Morocco, The One People, now The One Network.

My long time interest and dedication has been observing, sensing and feeling consciousness in a variety of geographical locations. It was this energetic trail that led me to Morocco. When I arrived I was not naive about the beauty and the obstacles of community living. After spending many years visiting and living with a variety of communities the familiar patterns and loops and concerns about co-operation and conflict resolution flatlined into a predictable resonant nature. I learned over the years to reserve judgement and put my focus on the greater picture of consciousness and global purpose. As a result I learned that it was indeed assessing the “barometer of consciousness” that has deepened my understanding spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.

With that be-ing said, I returned to Eureka Springs, contemplating how and what are the best suggestions for growth and movement in these times? The members of The One Network are investigators, reporters and visionaries with a deep sense of commitment to the necessary shift in consciousness that will enhance Unity Consciousness and People Empowerment to change our world. I have been greatly influenced by this exposure and I returned here thinking much more expansively than when I departed.

Eureka Springs is a small community of mostly healers and artists. There is an abundance of creativity and daily smiles. It works! And the members come to one another’s help when in need. I readily started to think that this community has what it takes to “reverse the energies” of deception, become more empowered and make significant changes that can affect the entire world.

As I have been here with my now global attention I started to consider these following thoughts. If and when change is enforced upon us which seems inevitable as in the collapse of the american dollar etc. what is likely to occur among the people, among communities? After all these years of confronting the white house officials, “the powers that were” and experiencing one blockage after another people have generally lost hope and feel powerless in the face of critical and constructive change. This thinking is what led me to write about “Empowering from The Bottom Up”.

It begins with the above question “What happens to the people?”. I let myself imagine for a moment that life has become more difficult as in the nearing of a depression, for example. I sat back for a moment and asked myself what could I do to situate ourselves better if and when something like this occurs? I imagined the people surrounding me and I recognized as hardship occurs people become frightened and even experience panic. Unfortunately, the past has shown that when the people are deprived there is a tendency to rebel. But this is the bigger concern….when people rebel then the policing and enforcement follows. Here lies my gravest concern – Police!

Presently, we are, or at least a good majority of us, are still in our comfort zones. We may have shelter, water, food and fire and maybe even fortunate enough to have an income or savings of some sort. This would depict achieving the “American Dream” so-to-speak. Yet, I would examine that dream much more deeply at this time. None-the-less, comfort is comfort and the tendency is to just let things be as long as you have your comfort. On the other hand comfort tends to create complacency and these 2 existences are presently our worst enemy. And why? Because there is a feeling of not needing to do anything more…just chill. But the direction of world affairs is increasingly diminishing in vibrancy and the ability to thrive. We have a global situation now that cannot be denied. In fact, our global situation of the awakened is now sending the message that our personal comfort zone is no longer the point. Our global situation of the awakened is blatantly announcing to the world that EVERYONE’S comfort is now at stake. The time of comfort zones is over, the time of just “me” and my own personal bubble has been popped. Unity Consciousness and Global Participation is needed from every individual. No one is going to escape from this. If every individual is not fed, sheltered and watered on this planet then it is just a matter of time before we are all subjected to these very blatant atrocities of world domination. All eyes, ears and hearts of the people and organizations of this planet dedicated to world healing are announcing if one is unfed we are all unfed. The message is “WE”. The “little me” no longer has a place in where we are going.

OK, I admit, a little bit of a rant…just saying…but on to the point.

“Empowering from The Bottom Up”. I Am suggesting a strategy for these preliminary times. I never thought I’d be carrying this flag that I Am going to speak to but I cannot deny what I Am feeling and knowing from within.

I now return to my “Warrior Self” and preferably not “political” but in the past we would call it that. “Warrior” carries a resonant tone of challenging what is not right or “not of love”. Our world governing is “not of love”.

I return to the scenario of “what if” and “when” the oppressive energies are now in our faces. The first thought that came to me was the “police”. I realized that something every community can begin to do is take a good, long and hard look at your “local police”. It is time for the people to remember and remind all governing bodies that they are here representing the people and not the other way around. I propose that we, The People, begin to interview and assess where our local police stand. Are they here to protect and serve the people or are they, first, answering to “the powers that were”? Are they puppets on strings held by other puppets on strings held by other puppets on strings and on and on?

Or are they genuinely united with the community and the interest of the people? Basically, the hard question is when push comes to shove and uniting with the people means letting go of your comfort level to unite with what is just will you join us? Or are you available to be bought out and bribed?

This I feel is the first and foremost place to begin when “Empowering from The Bottom Up”. The next and most obvious position to approach is that of our elected officials starting on the lower rung. The reason I address the “police” first is that we want to be assured that “when” and “if” we need to gather in numbers to replace the governing positions with people guiding in justice we want to know there will be “no interference” from the “police”. They need to be in alignment with the people. They need to have courage and be enforcing what is just. They need to recognize they are one of us…”We The People”.

Empowering from The Bottom Up…this is a call to communities to get organized and begin to address the local “purging” of what no longer serves the people. Unite and move into the seats of office that are making the decisions about “Our Lives”.

One other note…I believe it was, Rod Class, a courageous and recent whistleblower who suggested to the people “Know what your rights are and know the law”. Highly recommend listening to this video, introduce yourself to Rod Class and Guests:

Now, this part is way out of my arena but there are many people amongst us who know law and know it well. Every iota of research in each and every challenge will empower us. These are loop holes that we can use to our benefit.

And on that note, I want to applaud the people of Eureka Springs, Arkansas who defeated Swepco and their distorted maneuverings, retained the pristine nature of the Buffalo River and have brought presence and voice to the ongoing confrontation of Keeping Our Water Clean!!! Bravo!!! These are the kinds of Warriors we need right now!

Empowering from The Bottom Up!

PS For Eureka Readers, remember when these folks were the City Council; Kathy Harrison, Charlotte Buchannon, Rae Hahn and several more brave Warriors?!

Well, we need the likes of them now! They fought long and hard for our freedom and justice. They were met with harsh challenges. But the times are changed and the times are ripe for the likes of these candidates to get into office! Let’s enthuse our governing positions with the people who truly are representing the people. Only this time we’ll support them like never before. Rise Up!

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Two Books are now ready for purchase.

“Diary of A Blue Be-ing”  Part One, A multi-dimensional, rhythmic, poetic, cosmic collection of excerpts portraying an intimate exploration of self unraveling as a Divine Spiritual Be-ing within a Divine Earthly Suit.  – Available for purchase here:

“Shamanic Improvisation” A body of work developed over the past 35 years sharing guidance and prompts in “The Art of Be-ing In The Moment” and “Going Between The Worlds”.

Shamanic Improvisation is sensing and feeling, moving and sounding with each and every subtle energy. Through the quieting of within we learn to hear and feel the impulses of our inner dance.

I gently guide you and create a safe environment for you to uncover your Shamanic Dancer-Sounder-Spoken Word Self.

As the journey unfolds you learn about the alchemist within, the be-ing inside of you who transforms and makes necessary changes.

This alchemical magic occurs while dancing “Between the Worlds.

Available Purchase Here:

Keeps Falling Away

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This article inspired me to write:

Plainly, the message is endorsing the “falling away” feeling I have experienced over the past few years…only more so of late. Inelia speaks to “distractions” and only what we attribute meaning to has meaning, albeit, still a “distraction”.

This interview with Lisa Harrison and John Lash is of the upmost importance. Listening to story of Sophia, a creation story, explains and answers just about any questions you may be asking about what is going on with yourself, the world and the “illusory reality”.

As I search from within during these challenging times I get the repetitive message to not attached any assessment or judgement to my “sensations” or “feeling” experiences. Just allow, release and let go. When I am enticed to summarize what I Am witnessing in the world I Am entering the “illusory reality”. However, my witnessing at times prompts sensations in my emotional and physical body and I readily observe how quickly I want to label and then compartmentalize the experience. Again, that drags me to the reality I no longer Am sustained by.

I Am recognizing these outer ploys and can now “pause” for a moment and redirect my self reflection to the sensation in my body. Once I have that awareness my focus is simply to allow the sensation but don’t get mental about it. The results are powerful!

On the other side of this choice I experience a deep “falling away”. I free fall into my inner world as the outer world just seems to dissolve. Peace is gained and then I listen and continue my experience of sensation. Breath consciousness is always there to guide me.

Of late, I get this sense that I could leave the outer reality for good. I don’t necessarily mean via physical death. I experience this invitation to simply never give my attention to a world of non-sustainance nor apply meaning to strengthen my sense of purpose. But allow purpose to guide me.

I experience one foot in the “illusory reality” and one in the new world creation of which I craft. As I examine the one foot in it feels as though I Am holding a portal open. Yet I also sense whenever I’m ready I can just move on.

It is my connectedness to the Mother and each of you that I choose one foot in and one foot out. I want all of us to experience our divine be-earth rite of freedom, peace and ease. I do not see little “me” going without anyone. I want my entire family on this glorious ride.

And so, I see the value and yet the very healthy spaciousness of seeing the “illusory reality” and simultaneously the divine spiritual be-ing that I Am, We Are. Making peace, allowing peace with the duality and gaining clear perspective is never to be underestimated. As we share the greater collective consciousness we enthuse it with our every conscious step. The process invites “falling away” and gracefully so. We release what is “not of love” and all the programming that created it. Often this presents the very emptiness that we need so it can be filled and re-enthused with who we are, Divine Love. It takes courage, acceptance of the unknown and trust in our very Deer selves. And, We Are Courageous! Deepen the frequency of trust and then swim in your own higher vibration. Your enthused vibration is a significant ripple in the world. You are very much needed Deer Ones! With all my sensations of love I hold each and every one of you!

Two Books are now ready for purchase.

“Diary of A Blue Be-ing”  Part One, A multi-dimensional, rhythmic, poetic, cosmic collection of excerpts portraying an intimate exploration of self unraveling as a Divine Spiritual Be-ing within a Divine Earthly Suit.  – Available for purchase here:

“Shamanic Improvisation” A body of work developed over the past 35 years sharing guidance and prompts in “The Art of Be-ing In The Moment” and “Going Between The Worlds”.

Shamanic Improvisation is sensing and feeling, moving and sounding with each and every subtle energy. Through the quieting of within we learn to hear and feel the impulses of our inner dance.

I gently guide you and create a safe environment for you to uncover your Shamanic Dancer-Sounder-Spoken Word Self.

As the journey unfolds you learn about the alchemist within, the be-ing inside of you who transforms and makes necessary changes.

This alchemical magic occurs while dancing “Between the Worlds.

Available Purchase Here: